Monday, July 16, 2007

Selling your soul....

I'm pretty sure that this is one of the signs that the Apocalypse is near. Wal-Mart is now selling carbon fiber bikes. Now, of course the frame is a budget, Taiwanese mass-production soulless frame (then shipped to Italy in an attempt to add credibility). The components I have to admit aren't bad... but c'mon! Buying a carbon bike at Wal-Mart?!?! You are permanently selling your soul to the corporate oppressors who lead the redneck army who I'm convinced will one day take over the world and force us all to eat liver mush, watch NASCAR, and wear clothes supplied by cigarette companies while riding Wal-Mart bikes!!! I noticed that there's a disclaimer that says the bikes does not include pedals. I can see it now. Billy Bob: "No pedals?!? All these other bikes have pedals... and where is the daggone kick stand!? I need to see the Manager!" Please.... visit your "soon to be a thing of the past, endangered species" local bike shop and get properly fitted on a real bike... then support it or it'll be gone!

Today's workout is a recovery ride. The 80 miler yesterday has me a little fatigued. I'll just do an easy 17-18 mile spin today with my son Tyler. Tomorrow it's back to the run followed by some drills in the pool. Happy Monday!

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