Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Mmmm mmmm good?

The heat's been unbearable this summer. The mid ninety temps coupled with the oppressive humidity has been awful. I've been trying to up my sodium intake to combat this. An ultramarathon/cyclist friend of mine who runs a Fleet Feet store in town recommended Campbell's chicken noodle soup. The combination of the pasta, chicken, and extremely high sodium rich broth serve as a great ally against dehydration and fluid imbalances. It's worked for me. Try it an hour before a hot ride or run or after your training to put it all back.

It's been a lot of cycling lately. I've thrown in a couple short 5k runs... but I've been on the bike alot. Hurt, Pain, and Agony metric century is next Saturday. I'ts a tough ride with lots of steep climbing so I want to be ready. Then it's Bridge to Bridge in mid September which is really tough. 102 miles with the last 50 all climbing. I'll need the extra training on the bike over the next few weeks for those rides. Once those are done... I'm gonna back off the bike and really focus on the run and swim. I'll be a freakin fish this winter.

I'm down to 185lbs. now. Probably around 11-12% body fat. My goal is 178lbs. at around 8% body fat. I'm on track. It's comin off pretty quick now. I've hit a groove with my nutrition and seem to have dialed in my calories to output ratio to stay strong and still drop fat. I'm pretty darn lean at 178. I hope to be there by Aug 1st.

Happy training kids!

1 comment:

Jason h said...

Hey! i'm going to cali this sunday.. gonna be there for a week, this is the site i was talking about where i made the extra cash. later!