Thursday, August 23, 2007

Been a while... /Bike Porn!

It's been a while! Guess I havn't posted cause it's been business as usual. Been plitting equal time between bike and run. I'm gonna get back into the swim flow next week.

I got my tri bike! (Well... sort of). I purchased the frame fork and seat post. I'm beginning to build it up now. I'm waiting on a few parts. I'm hoping to take it on it's maiden voyage later next week. Here's a picture for your pleasure. I love bike porn!

Monday, August 13, 2007


For two weeks I've felt a bit off. I couldn't figure it out. I didn't think it would happen to me. I was over-trained. Jon and I did a hilly 30 miler last Sunday that wore me out. So I did it... apart from a little 10 mile easy recovery ride on Wednesday, I took the whole week off... even the weekend. Man I'm glad I did. Though I only went on a quick 15 miler at lunch today... I felt great. No fatigue, fresh, strong. I enjoyed riding today... and the ride itself energized me rather than wearing me out. I learned first hand the importance of recovery. From now on... I'm gonna take a week of recover (slow, easy rides with a few days off) about every four weeks. What goes up, must come down. What tears down, must build up. Rest is good.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Bike Lust...

Now that I'm pretty well into a triathlon program and enjoying it immensely, I now know that multisport will be something I'll be committed to for some time. It's definitely something I plan to do as long as my body will allow. So with that, I have the strong desire to bite the bullet and buy a true, dedicated triathlon bike. Triathlon is all about speed and aerodynamics... tri bikes are built around an aggressive geometry that puts the rider in an "aero" position at all times. Tri bikes are great on flat or rolling terrain... but not a great choice for climbing or the local group ride. Obviously I'll keep my beloved Merlin road bike... but a tri bike is definitely in order.

I've pretty much all but decided on a Quintana Roo. I was going to go with Cervelo, but once I got to check out a QR close up I was blown away. Quintana Roo was the first company to make ONLY tri bikes... and they do it VERY well. The 2007 QR Lucero looks like the one for me. My 2nd choice? It would have to be a Cervelo P2C. Both are carbon fiber bikes... both light, aero, with an aggressive geometry that's built for speed.

So, how do I land this beauty without my wife moving me into the doghouse with Toby (my dog)? Simple... clean out the garage! As some of you might know I used to own a bike shop. I closed the bike shop after learning that owning a bike shop sucks. Take my advice... think twice before making your hobby your job. Screws everything up. Anyway... I have a lot of bike junk laying around in boxes in my garage. I've begun the process of selling all this stuff and to my surprise I should have enough from the sale of this garb to purchase a really nice tri bike! I have many of the parts and components I need already. The only thing I will have to purchase is the bike frame and fork... and a couple other little things like brake levers, cables, etc. Nothing big. So, hopefully soon I'll be posting my new tri bike for all to see along with a review. I hope to have the bike built and be well accustomed to it before my Half Ironman in May.

Here's a stock photo of the bike I'm lusting over until I get to show off my own. Cheers!


Thursday, August 9, 2007

Yeah... whatever

It was hot as HELL today!! Okay... so I said I would not run in this heat again. You'd think I'd know better. I went out on a recovery ride yesterday in the oppressive heat and (get this) forgot my freakin water bottle!! So I found a walking park at a rec center that had a water fountain in it. I rode around the mile walking path several times stopping to get water on a couple occasions. Is was even hot on the bike.

So anyway... back to what I said I would not do...Today... against my better judgement... I ran again. 1:30 in the afternoon AGAIN! I'm an idiot!. The first 1.5 miles I was cruising... then the heat hit me like a wall! Okay... this time is it... no more afternoon running in 110 degree death-heat! Bike tomorrow... swim Saturday. Did I mention that it is hot out here?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Heed the warnings... for death surely awaits!

I ran today. 1:30 pm, no clouds, air thick like a veil. It was Viet Nam hot. Deathly hot. Hotter than... you get the picture. I ran a miserable 10 minute pace on a 5k. Had to stop once on a hill and walk. I'll bet it was 115 degrees on that black pavement. I had no legs. As long as it stays this hot... I'll stick to early morning or late evening runs. It'll take me the rest of the evening to replace all the fluids. However, a run like that can only make you tougher. There truly is beauty in suffering.


There's actually warnings posted about the dangerous air quality today mixed with record high temps. I'm scheduled to run today at 1:00pm. Ought to be outright miserable for sure... but life threatening? It's already 95 degrees at 11:30am. Wish me luck! (If I don't chicken out and hit the treadmill instead.)

Monday, August 6, 2007

CLEAN (Part 3 of Dog Days)....

Clean eating today to cleanse the body

5:30am: Kashi Go-Lean crunch w/ fresh blueberries & skim milk

9:45am: 2 scoops of muscle milk w/ p-nut butter mixed with water & ice

2:30pm: Almond Crusted Salmon over 1/4 cup brown rice and a handful of steamed veggies.

5:30: 2 scoops of muscle milk w/ p-nut butter mixed with water & ice

8:45pm: Kashi Go-Lean crunch w/ fresh blueberries & skim milk, Protein Shake, EFAs.

Done..... gone to bed!!!!

Dog Days Part 2....

Decided it was time to quit making excuses and start weight training again. I took today off from the bike... and lifted. I did a light circuit workout. I believe this is the best approach for me (or anyone) mid season. I do 1 set, 15 to 20 reps of each movement (30 sec. rest or less between each) then repeat for a total of two rounds. I chose the following workout and order for my level 1a workout which I'll do for 14 days before I take it up a notch.

  1. Seated Row 100 x 15 (low cable)
  1. Incline DB 50’s x 15
  1. Hammer Squat 50 x 15
  1. Triceps Dip 120 x 15 (assisted)
  1. Hamstring Curl 70 x 20 (lying)
  1. Biceps Curl 20 x 15
  1. Hyperextension 0 x max
  1. Decline Sit ups 0 x max
  1. Push ups 0 x max
  1. Squat Jumps 0 x max
I know that doing this 2x per week will help me. I just gotta fit it in. No Excuses!!

Dog days...

After a long week and lots of cycling and running... I'm definitely in a training rut. The dog-days of summer are here for sure. It's freakin hot, humid, and the air is thick and sticky. Did a hilly 40 mile ride Saturday followed by a hillier 30 miler Sunday. Got through them OK but I feel somewhat burnt-out. Maybe I'm slightly over trained. This week I'm gonna continue business as usual, but back on a more balanced schedule. Either a day off or slow recovery ride today, Tuesday; run, Wednesday; ride, Thursday; Run, Friday; Swim, Saturday; Ride, Sunday; run.

Today is also back to a cleaner diet day. I ate like 9 slices of pizza yesterday after the ride. I also had a honey-do painting project (thanks for the help Jon) in sauna-like conditions. Went through quite a few beers. Though I was sweating them out as fast as they went in. Yep... need a week of clean eating for sure. Can you say DETOX!

I want to get Bridge to Bridge over with so I can focus hard on Run/Swim for a while. Looking forward to some cooler temps and some collage football.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Hurt, pain, agony..... DONE!

Hurt, Pain, and Agony metric century was last Saturday. It was hurtful, painful, and agonizing. But I finished. When I got off the bike all I kept thinking about was getting back to my tri training. I had taken a week off from swimming and running to focus on my cycling for this event. I'm ready to run and swim again. I confirmed to myself that just cycling, while I love it, was beginning to bore me a little. I'm still looking forward to Bridge to Bridge and I still love cycling over running and swimming... but I'm not going to cease running and swimming this time just to try to be ready for a cycling event. I will continue to train in all 3 disciplines right up to Bridge to bridge... and if I'm not totally ready... so be it. My ultimate goal of the 1/2 Ironman in May is top priority. Especially since I'm so far behind in my running and swimming compared to the bike. So Tomorrow... I run... and swim... and get back on track!