Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Hurt, pain, agony..... DONE!

Hurt, Pain, and Agony metric century was last Saturday. It was hurtful, painful, and agonizing. But I finished. When I got off the bike all I kept thinking about was getting back to my tri training. I had taken a week off from swimming and running to focus on my cycling for this event. I'm ready to run and swim again. I confirmed to myself that just cycling, while I love it, was beginning to bore me a little. I'm still looking forward to Bridge to Bridge and I still love cycling over running and swimming... but I'm not going to cease running and swimming this time just to try to be ready for a cycling event. I will continue to train in all 3 disciplines right up to Bridge to bridge... and if I'm not totally ready... so be it. My ultimate goal of the 1/2 Ironman in May is top priority. Especially since I'm so far behind in my running and swimming compared to the bike. So Tomorrow... I run... and swim... and get back on track!

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