Monday, August 6, 2007

Dog days...

After a long week and lots of cycling and running... I'm definitely in a training rut. The dog-days of summer are here for sure. It's freakin hot, humid, and the air is thick and sticky. Did a hilly 40 mile ride Saturday followed by a hillier 30 miler Sunday. Got through them OK but I feel somewhat burnt-out. Maybe I'm slightly over trained. This week I'm gonna continue business as usual, but back on a more balanced schedule. Either a day off or slow recovery ride today, Tuesday; run, Wednesday; ride, Thursday; Run, Friday; Swim, Saturday; Ride, Sunday; run.

Today is also back to a cleaner diet day. I ate like 9 slices of pizza yesterday after the ride. I also had a honey-do painting project (thanks for the help Jon) in sauna-like conditions. Went through quite a few beers. Though I was sweating them out as fast as they went in. Yep... need a week of clean eating for sure. Can you say DETOX!

I want to get Bridge to Bridge over with so I can focus hard on Run/Swim for a while. Looking forward to some cooler temps and some collage football.

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