Monday, August 13, 2007


For two weeks I've felt a bit off. I couldn't figure it out. I didn't think it would happen to me. I was over-trained. Jon and I did a hilly 30 miler last Sunday that wore me out. So I did it... apart from a little 10 mile easy recovery ride on Wednesday, I took the whole week off... even the weekend. Man I'm glad I did. Though I only went on a quick 15 miler at lunch today... I felt great. No fatigue, fresh, strong. I enjoyed riding today... and the ride itself energized me rather than wearing me out. I learned first hand the importance of recovery. From now on... I'm gonna take a week of recover (slow, easy rides with a few days off) about every four weeks. What goes up, must come down. What tears down, must build up. Rest is good.

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