Monday, August 6, 2007

Dog Days Part 2....

Decided it was time to quit making excuses and start weight training again. I took today off from the bike... and lifted. I did a light circuit workout. I believe this is the best approach for me (or anyone) mid season. I do 1 set, 15 to 20 reps of each movement (30 sec. rest or less between each) then repeat for a total of two rounds. I chose the following workout and order for my level 1a workout which I'll do for 14 days before I take it up a notch.

  1. Seated Row 100 x 15 (low cable)
  1. Incline DB 50’s x 15
  1. Hammer Squat 50 x 15
  1. Triceps Dip 120 x 15 (assisted)
  1. Hamstring Curl 70 x 20 (lying)
  1. Biceps Curl 20 x 15
  1. Hyperextension 0 x max
  1. Decline Sit ups 0 x max
  1. Push ups 0 x max
  1. Squat Jumps 0 x max
I know that doing this 2x per week will help me. I just gotta fit it in. No Excuses!!

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