Back on the bike.
It was back in 1999 that I began cycling. I was a 210lb. muscle-head that desperately needed a change. So, to make a long story short, I got a road bike and took a turn at cycling. My first ride was only eight-miles. But at the end of the ride… I toppled off my bike and threw up. I was hooked. Over the next several years, I kept cycling. My work schedule, along with family obligations, coupled with my severe dislike of the cold, kept me from developing into the cycling that I always wanted to be. My highest mileage fro a season (for me a season is 4-months) was 1500 miles. I reached a few milestones. I completed many metric century rides (63miles) including the very tough Hurt, Pain, and Agony ride in
So now what?
So now, the Endurance Chronicles will be a diary of my training to become a far better cyclist than I ever have been. There will be many challenges now that I have a baby in the house, and that my wife took a new job that has her working crazy hours in a town an hour and a half from here. At least focusing on one discipline will be much easier than three… to become truly “good” at cycling will be tough. Especially for a guy with the complete antithesis of the cyclists physique. However, I really believe this challenge is doable with everything else I have in my life. So, I polished up and tuned up my trusty Merlin Agilis road bike this weekend… and will venture out today to do a little ten-mile ride that symbolically announces that I am back. So, if you’re into the cycling thing… or just want to read about an overworked stressed out dad trying to stay fit at 39… then come back often. I’m also looking at today as being the first day of my 2008-cycling season. I’m starting several months early this year as opposed to my usual late season start. Which also means that this
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