Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Another ride... and some BLING!

Did a nice easy 13 mile ride today with Jon "Johnny Metro" Hogaboom today. Had a good time in some great fall weather. I also gave my wife my Christmas list. It consisted of one item... a Titanium Seat post. yeah, that's right... a seat post. But it's no ordinary seat post mind you... it's titanium... and it's custom made. Made by Eriksen Cycles. They make the king of all seat posts and some sweet Ti frames as well. It's total bike BLING! Okay... so it's a bike thing... you wouldn't understand.

I also dropped the hammer and ordered a new stem... it's a Thomson Elite X2 stem. I've always thought Thomson made some of the best stuff anywhere. It's silver and will look great on my Ti frame. Here's a pic.

Anyway it's a little gift to myself to celebrate my reemergence on the bike. Hey, it's the little things... sue me.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I have much to be thankful for. I have 4 healthy children... a beautiful baby girl... a great job... great friends... a great wife... and hey... why not throw a sweet bike into the mix. I have my health, and my faith. I cannot complain. Happy Thanksgiving to you all and God bless you.

Come back to see how I do in my first cold ride of the year. Friday it's only supposed to be in the high 40's. Brrrrrrrr! I hate the friggin cold!

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