Friday, July 6, 2007

Tour de what? (We'll miss you Lance & Jan)

The Tour starts this weekend. It's so sad. For the first time in years I could not care less. Pro cycling is on such a sad decline. I hope it can be resurrected. Doping has killed the sport. I'll check the daily recaps.... maybe watch a mountain stage or two.... pull for Levi and the Discovery team... but that's about it. I guess I can still watch my old DVDs I have of 1999 through 2005. Always good stuff.
Summer is in full bloom. It's the week of the fourth. My training has been more relaxed this week. I had a good run on Tuesday.... a walk/run with my son Tyler on the 4th. Rode Tuesday (recovery, 9 miles) and did our airport loop on Thursday. Felt good. Freakin HOT! Also swam a quarter-mile Thursday as well. I'll focus on my drills today. I'm also doing a quick ride with Shannon and Tyler at 1:00. I'm gonna try to get a massage in today as well. My legs need it baaad.
I registered for Bridge to Bridge today as well as Hurt, Pain, and Agony. With the Ironman 70.3 just over the horizon and the possibility of IRONMAN Florida later in 08'... these rides have turned from my year's focus to training rides. My goal on both will be steady endurance pace as much as possible (yeah right). Anyway... apart from these two rides I plan to focus hard on my tri training. Definitely need more pool time. I think next week I'll begin using the aquatic center (Lenoir) pool due to the longer distance. I can go right to the pool at 6am immediately after my 5am run with Nate. It's time to get real serious about my swimming and running. A 57 mile flat bike leg right now would be easy... but the 1.2 mile swim and the half-marathon... well, not so much.
Sticking to a cleaner diet. Less starchy carbs, more veggies and fresh fruit... more protein. Plus... I'm literally amazed at how adding EFAs into my daily routine has helped my hip. I was having some serious sciatica (piriformis syndrome) in my left hip for some time. Killing me in the mornings and often during the first mile of a run. I've been preaching the use of essential fatty acids for years but have gotten out of the habit of taking them. EFSs are a natural anti-inflammatory along with have many other fantastic health benefits. After only three days of EFA supplementation... the pain is all but gone. I take three gel-caps in the morning and 3 more at night.
Happy training!

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