Friday, September 14, 2007

What happened? I'm the freak?

If you've been reading this blog then you know what's going on with my wife and the fact that we've been living at the hospital for two weeks now. We've got one week to go. The Doctor will induce labor on Tuesday bringing our little girl into the world. Living at the hospital has brought its share of challenges. Among them is being able to train. Yesterday my plan had me riding one hour and running 30-minutes. I got the hour ride in at lunch but knew if I was going to be able to run I'd have to do it late after work. So, at around 8pm I arrived at the hospital. I greeted my wife... then changed into my running clothes and headed out. Luckily there is a little walking/running path around the hospital. I was the only one on it. The thing that got me was the amount of strange looks I got and the whispers I received after returning to the hospital entrance after my run. Not to be mean... but I noticed that everyone exiting the building was less than in good shape. It was as if I was the strange minority? The "fitness geek". Like it was a bad thing! But I guess I should not be surprised. I see it everywhere I go. It's like Night of the Living Dead. Everyone walks around like a dead person. Just going through life's motions without any purpose or passion. We are sedated by junk food... and infected with the sickness of laziness and greed. As long as we have the latest iPod, cell phone, plasma TV and 400 channels to keep the IV drip of mediocrity going we're OK. Not me. Not ever. I will always challenge the limits of my body and mind. I will always strive to be an example to my children. I will never grow up. I'll keep pushing until my body no longer lets me... which I hope will be a very long time from now. The way I see it... I'm an 18-year old with 20 years experience. Keep training hard!

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